Non-Discriminatory Policy

Central Vermont Adult Education (CVAE) is committed to diversity and provides equal access to participation in its programs and services with attention given to known barriers of gender, race, national origin, color, disability or age.  CVABE engages in equitable recruitment and hiring practices, so that staff and volunteers reflect the population’s diversity.

Gender – All staff will work to ensure a gender-equitable environment, with the understanding that gender and sexuality is not binary.  All outreach efforts and programs are gender-neutral.  Faculty and staff will refrain from any stereotyping based on gender identity, and instruction reflects freedom of gender identity. All restrooms are gender neutral, and we use gender neutral pronouns, or student-chosen pronouns, whenever possible.

Race, Age, National Origin, Color – By its nature, adult education requires full inclusiveness in each of these categories.  Recruitment is unbiased, and CVABE staff will work to ensure that every person, regardless of race, age, national origin or color will receive equal access to all services.  Hiring practices will reflect this commitment to full equity and inclusion. We have added to our Homepage on links to a CVABE Factsheet, translated into 9 different languages, making our services more accessible to our immigrant population.

Disability – CVABE recognizes that many of our students and potential students meet the definition of having a “disability,” as defined by the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).  We make every effort to accommodate disabilities, such as maintaining ADA-compliant facilities, use of assistive technologies (where available and applicable), flexible scheduling, and many other appropriate accommodations and services.  We are committed to the removal of any barrier that inhibits equal access to CVABE spaces and services.

Recruitment and hiring - CVABE has a commitment to fair hiring.  We do not discriminate against gender, race, age, nationality, color, sexual orientation or gender identity.  CVABE makes reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, ADA accessible Learning Centers and assistive technologies.

Student outreach and intake - We collaborate with religious groups of all denominations, migrant justice groups, mental health workers and agencies, etc.  Our outreach and communications include student representation from diverse demographic sectors. CVABE staff regularly attend trainings on cultural awareness, mental health issues and trauma-based instruction.  These measures, coupled with outreach and intake, are designed to increase staff awareness and remove many of the barriers that our students encounter.

CVABE has in place a vast array of policies to ensure compliance with American with the Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102), WIOA Section 3(25), and the General Education Provisions Act, Section 427. We actively ensure that staff, students and potential students are afforded protections granted under the above provisions.